Nominations are now open for the Bolin PTA 2022-2023 school year and will be accepted through February 28, 2022. Click here to get more information and to enter your nomination.
Open House- Save the Date
Open house is back in person this year! On Thursday, March 3 from 4:30-6, you are invited to come and visit your student's classroom. They really enjoy showing their parents aroud the school and showcasing some of the things they have been working on.
Silent Auction
Silent Auction is always a very exciting time at Bolin and there is something for everyone. Make sure you stop by the cafeteria during open house and see for yourself.
Silent Auction- Items Needed
There is still time to contribute to the silent auction. Here are two ways you can help.
1. Each grade level is putting together a different theme basket to auction. The room parents made it very easy this year to donate by creating a Amazon wishlist.
2. We are still accepting donations for items to auction. If you would like to donate an item or get more information, please reach out to Jessica at
Dates To Remember
March 3: Open House
Silent Auction
March 4: Early release day
March 7-11: Spring Break
March 24: Multicultural Night
PTA Membership meeting- Election
April 25-29: Book Fair
April 26-27: Donuts with Dads
April 28: Kinder Performance
PTA Membership Meeting
Shout out to our Business Sponsors
Here's how you can help your PTA!
It is not too late to sign up for Kroger Community Rewards and Amazon Smile. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and every time you shop at these locations, your PTA gets a percentage back. It is an easy way to support your PTA and it really makes a big difference to us.
Kroger Community Rewards
All Kroger purchases benefit the school, simply link your plus card to the Luther and Anna Mae Bolin PTA as your community rewards participant. Organization #KJ291
Amazon Smile
You shop and Amazon gives. Go to, select Bolin and start shopping. Amazon donates 0.5% back.
Don't forget to update your Amazon App on your phone.